Translation Samples

In order to protect the rights of our clients to absolute confidentiality the following
samples are limited excerpts without any explicit references made to the original documents from which they originate.

Chinese to English

“第三十九条 本合同的附件是本合同的组成部分,


“Clause 39 The appendices of this contract are integral components of this contract and carry equal legal force to this contract. All prior related matters concerning this contract, reached through verbal or written agreement, will become invalid commencing from the date on which this contract is signed.”



According to relevant international laws and China’s own Trademark Law regulations, clearly recognised products, which have continuously and consistently used their trademarks in the market over a long period of time, enjoy “right of first use”, and further, that applications to register trademarks must not damage or adversely affect any other’s existing right of first use, and must not, through the use of improper means, lead to the malappropriation or usurping of trademarks which are already in use by others, and which possess a certain degree of influence.



Leased Commercial Space: This refers to the site selected by Party B as defined by Appendix 1, An Approved Map for the Planning and Design of Construction, located at lot number 17, section J of the Auto Mall, and which occupies an area of 6,612 square metres.



Sales Store: This refers to the structural edifice of the sales store, which is built on the site of the ‘leased commercial space’ selected by Party B within the Auto Mall, and which is constructed in a manner reviewed and approved by the relevant planning department authorities as requested by Party A.



If any contravention in the order of construction committed by either Party B, or the party undertaking construction on Party B’s behalf, which directly causes economic loss to either Party A or another party, then Party B shall be responsible for compensation or Party A shall deduct the amount from the construction deposit for security.





“…The company has developed its network gaming technology by combining high-powered 3D graphics engine technology, cross-provider platform connectivity, and network SMS compatibility with unique gaming content all in one package…”



In pursuit of its guiding vision to invest and build toward becoming a large-scale enterprise group within China’s information industry, company investment has been oriented toward targeting the rapidly growing and globally expanding information industry by investing in the establishment of a technology company primarily focusing on the production of navigational positioning equipment and services.



The active raising of funds for the expansion of capital is an important element in determining the scale of an enterprise’s funds utilization and of the development of its production operations.

“… ——中长期险业务在风险比较集中、国家限额趋紧的情况下,承保了海外大型工程20个项目,保险金额9.3亿美元…


“… ——In terms of intermediate and long-term insurance operations the company provided insurance for 20 large overseas projects, under conditions of relatively concentrated risks and tight country insurance quotas, for a total coverage of USD 930 million.



In 2002, the company put in place a mechanism for increasing revenues through comprehensive planning, performance review, and through the enhancement of recovery procurement, as well as through the active management of fund allocation and an increase in capital earnings.





“The market is still being predominantly influenced by excess liquidity, while the commodities and asset price bubble continues to show room for expansion. As a result of the cancellation of warehouse receipts still reaching more than 50 000 tonnes, it is highly likely that copper prices will continue to maintain a strong momentum for the near term. In fact, the market is currently already poised to overlook any negative factors, while the slightest gains may stimulate a large rise in commodities and asset prices.



Insurance Companies Executives Salary Ranking: Top Ten average 6.977 Million



Insurance Companies Executives Salary Ranking: Top Ten average 6.977 Million In its annual report, the PICC Property & Casualty Company stated that the company faced unprecedented difficulties and challenges as a result of the successive occurrence of natural disasters in 2008, including flooding, snow and ice storms in the south, along with the severe earthquake in Wenchuan, the spread of the global financial crisis, and the sharp fall in capital markets. Moreover, last year’s investment revenues only reached 319 million yuan, a decrease of 92.8 percent as compared with the same period last year. Yesterday, the company’s share prices were quoted at 4.74 Hong Kong dollars, a drop of 9.54 percent.



US Dollar Rises Slightly Against RMB Near End of Trading on the 16th

因中国第一季度经济增幅为近二十年来的最低水平,这引发了市场对中国经济复苏的质疑,人民币兑美元4月16日尾盘小幅走低。询价交易市场,美元兑 人民币4月16日尾盘报人民币6.8323元,较15日收盘价6.8322元略微走高。


China’s economic growth in the first quarter, its lowest level in nearly twenty years, has raised doubts about China’s economic recovery. On April 16th, the RMB fell slightly against the US dollar nearing market’s close. On the over-the-counter market, the US dollar was quoted at 6.8323 RMB at the end of trading on April 16th, moving slightly higher as compared to a closing price 6.8322 RMB on the 15th.

基民落袋为安 偏股型基金遭遇净赎


Fundholders Sell on Slightest Profit: Stock-oriented Mutual Funds Suffer Net Redemption



Securities and Fund Companies Freely Discuss Secondary Market



Yesterday, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange held a forum on interim measures for the management of initial public offers on the secondary market. Top executives from four securities companies – Guosen Securities, Ping An Securities, Southwest Securities, and United Securities – all offered numerous ideas and suggestions, among which softening liability on guaranteeing and recommending performance stability for listed companies, as well as added representation for securities companies and investment banks on the Stock Issuance Examination and Verification Committee, are key policies that security company delegates hope to achieve

Art & Culture




The Altar of Heaven

The Altar of Heaven was built in the 18th year of the Ming emperor Yongle(1420 C.E.)and originally served as a place for emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties to make annual sacrificial offerings to heaven and earth and pray for good harvests. It is located in the southern part of the outer city and includes two ceremonial altars: the Circular Mound Altar and the Altar for Plentiful Grains. Its main buildings include the Imperial Vault of Heaven, The Hall of Prayer for Bountiful Harvests and the Hall of Imperial Heaven. The Altar of Heaven occupies a total area of 273 square hectares and is characterized by its unique structural design and precise layout. It was formally included in UNESCO‘s World Heritage List in November 1998.



The free and vigorous brushstrokes, terse and unadorned style, as well as the bold and fervent colours combine to create a distinctive artistic style.



Penjing (bonsai) or ‘potted landscape’ is an art form that combines horticulture, literature, and painting. Having been extolled as ‘silent poetry’ or ‘three-dimensional painting’ it is one of China’s unique types of comprehensive formative art.



The architecture, landscaped scenery, trees and greenery merge harmoniously with poetry, inscriptions and carvings within the gardens to produce a profound artistic ambience.



Su Shi (1037-1101), self-styled Zizhan, also adopted the title, “Recluse of the Eastern Slope”. A native of Meishan in present-day Sichuan, he was a famous poet, calligrapher, painter, and essayist of the Northern Song dynasty. Reaching an extremely high level of literary attainment, his essays reflect a free and unrestrained style while his poetry is bold and unfettered; yet possessed of a natural elegance. Su Shi is revered as one of the “Eight Great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties”



“Nothing other than that cold blast of wind which had just sheared through his consciousness could accurately describe his feelings. That bleak, indifferent autumn wind of his imaginings had blown away every single leaf, sending them to drift and scatter apart. “

(From a short story I wrote in Chinese entitled, “Another Kind of Loneliness”.)

English to Chinese

“The grip is phenomenal for such a large car, helped in part by the four-wheel-drive transmission. And despite the 19 in rims, which can result in an uncomfortable ride in some cars, the Flying Spur achieves a “magic carpet” ride thanks to the intelligent air suspension system” Jason Dawe – Times Online


“对于这么大的一辆车来说抓地力非常出色,部分原因来自四驱传动。虽然轮缘有19英寸,在某些车上它会使乘坐不舒适,但飞驰做到了好似“神奇地毯般的”乘坐感受,这都归功于智能的空气悬挂系统” 杰森 • 道-时报在线

“Crushing acceleration is on tap thanks to muscular 450 bhp and 500 bhp turbocharged V8 engines, with up to 738 lb/ft of pull delivered through a creamy automatic [6-speed] gearbox. Owners can reap an intoxicating mix of effortless cruising with hot rod-style thrills” What Car?


“压倒性的提速可随时释放,归功于强劲的450和500制动马力V8涡轮增压引擎,拥有多达738磅/英尺的拉力是经由平滑的(六速)变速箱传递。车主可以陶醉于毫不费力的中速行驶和改装的高速马力车式刺激的接合”What Car

“With monstrous under-the-hood prowess, superb long distance comfort, and status appeal galore, this CL has everything that the super-loaded, super-demanding driver would ever want” Automobile



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